The Care & Feeding Of Rakoshi

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How to keep your Bengali demon healthy and happy

If you thought you were at the top of the food chain you're in for a big surprise!

How to Recognize a Rakosh

OK, so you've gottan a glimpse and lived to tell the tale- how do you know if it really was a a Rakosh?  Common Boogeymen have at times been mistaken for Rakosh, but the differences are as plain as the nose on your face.

While described frequently as humaniod, the resemblances end at bipedalia. Overall impression: Tall, powerfully built creature with high prey drive.  Rakoshi are communal, and prefer to live in Matriarchal nests of up to one hundred members. They conform to a pack heirarchy system. Males are larger than females, reaching heights up to nine feet. The y are indiginous to India and have a distinct fetid smell.   Specific information:   Head:  Sharklike, with a large wide mouth.  The teeth are formed in multiple rows and are extremely sharp- there are no molars; dentition is comprised entirely of incisors.  Nostrils are not prominent though sense of smell is highly developed  Eyes are narrow, yellow in color with black eliptical pupils.  Ears are not well defined.   Body:  Thickly muscled, deep chested and long limbed.  The arms end at hands with three digits, all bearing well formed talons which are used to obtain prey or for defense.  Color:  True Rakoshi are a deep cobalt blue bordering on black. Lighter shades may indicate impure lineage.

Rakoshi do not bear live young; they lay eggs, which can be coaxed into dormancy for decades, or as rumor would have it, centuries.   Eggs are smooth with a mottled surface, and exhibit color diffferences between male and female offspring.  The details of the female's estrus cycle and number of eggs prodcued per breeding are not known at this time.  


Rakosh are extremely aggressive by nature, and though they can be trained do not mistake them for domesticated!  If possible, observe at close range only under the protection of a Keeper's necklace.  They may be difficult to obtain, as only two are known to exist.  Rakoshi fear fire and are weakened by iron; judicious use of these may help to keep your Raskosh under control.

Nutritional Needs

Rare as they are, no one has ever developed any reliable type of RakoshChow, so you'll need to prepare the diet yourself.  This requires some delicacy as Rakoshi are carnivorous and are known to feed on only one source of fresh meat- Homo Sapiens.  They prefer live prey, and occasionally play with their food; earplugs may be useful at this point.  Vagrants, criminals, Dormentalist missionaries and pesky door to door salesmen are excellent sources of food for your Rakosh.  As tempting as the thought may be, try to avoid using difficult or unfriendly neighbors, this could have the unpleasant effect of unwanted attention form local law enforcement.

You will need to feed your Rakosh approximately 2 x's its weight weekly.  More frequent feedings will only strengthen your Rakosh (they do not run to fat even with limited exercise), severely restricting their diet could result in listlessness, lethargy, pale color and withdrawl. 

Artist rendering below of a Rakosh courtesy of BonesWeepTedium. 

Home Sweet Home

Rakoshi are primarily nocturnal, and will appreciate a dim, cool environment. It is strongly suggested that the Rakosh be kept in an iron lined containment area with dimensions no smaller than 20' l x 20' w x 15' h.  An iron roof and floor is highly recommended.  Rakoshi can ably climb and dig.  They are dextrous, so be sure to add a sturdy iron padlock to your doors!  Quick light propane torches with flow control are another excellent idea; in the event your Rakosh is exhibiting difficult behavior, fire is an effective tool in bringing him back under control. 


Rakoshi at play

Exercise is an important part of your Rakosh's daily regimen.  Rakoshi enjoy physical exertions. They are excellent climbers and strong swimmers.  Be sure to offer strenuous activities at least four days a week.

Activities and Advanced Instruction

Rakoshi are very intelligent creatures and can be taught a variety of tasks.  One is to supplement their own feeding by planned releases to track and return with live prey (for Rakoshi Elixir recipe please consult our herbal remedies page, a Tracking For Beginners manual is in development) for the entire nest.  A Rakosh can also be trained to operate simple machinery or to conduct other activites requiring their great strength.  An old Rakosh CAN learn new tricks!  Try them and see!